Recalibrate Your Work, Rest, and Play.
previous issues of the sabbatical lifestyle
5 Signs of Anticipatory Grief + 5 Coping Methods
"How can we make the world less lonely?" is a question I often ask myself (sometimes as I take in another Hallmark Holiday movie, for better or worse).
3 Mantras for When You Might Need a "Coarse" Correction💡
While my work typically helps people discover new paths ("courses") for themselves, today I'm talking about a "coarse correction." Specifically, here are 3 beliefs to practice to help you make your coarse correction.
3 Powerful Questions to Ask When You're Feeling Powerless
A good question has to do with the person we’re about to become...and, like your college party antics of yore, these conversations will happen with or without your conscious participation. ;)
Free Guide to Face Compassion Fatigue, Caution Fatigue, and Pandemic Meltdowns
Compassion Fatigue… Caution Fatigue… Pandemic Meltdowns…we gotta normalize all of these (plus, the desire to order Thai takeout 3 days in a row...just me?), while also addressing them.
Disappointment = Expectations - Reality ...and What to Do About It
Disappointment is a gross feeling, isn't it? It's as if you're slowly tripping during the big game—not fast enough to scare you, but precariously enough, so you know you don’t have your footing in a crucial moment.
No, It's Not Your "Mom Brain"...
Know what I say to this cog fog? Let's turn our mental health into our mental wellth (from hell to well).
From Armor to Curiosity Amid a Golden Anniversary
I've long said that midlife is the time when we begin to disrobe from the armor we put on as pre-teens/teens to manage a complex world. I've been "doing the work" for a while now. And, yet...
Dermaplaning Your Midlife
Midlife places many demands on us. Perhaps chief among them is vulnerability. At a level that might be even further amplified by these pandemic times, amirite?
On Becoming Who You're Meant to Be
Though some people follow their calling at an early age, many Jungian psychologists agree that it’s in the second half of life when individuation truly kicks in.
Birthdays, Satisfaction, Perspectacles, and a Midlife Edit
How can you serve the world, while also seeking satisfaction?
Bonus Moms, Self-Talk Resonance and Pinterest Boards
I'm pro-originality and all about being inventive with language. What I'm saying is that when you're talking to yourself--which I fully endorse...remember my "Talk to yourself more than you listen to yourself" mantra--you want to make sure your words match what you're seeking.
My Longest Crush...and a Few Hard-Earned Recs
Reading is a powerful and consistent way to fuel your imagination and your energy, especially when the idea of continuing seems insurmountable.
Isolation, Neck Wattles, and Virtual Cookbook Clubs
Explore what works for you and yours and let me know the creative ways you’re filling up your connectivity gas tank.
Where are the 46 Business Emails Telling Us How They're Becoming Anti-Racist?
New Year's is like a mild laxative. Many of us midlifers are constipated with difficult, sometimes painful patterns and we sure could use a d”
Smells Like Midlife Spirit
Panic at the Costco is real, y’all. COVID-19 has created a collective crisis. But while people hoard the Charmin, I’m here to affirm that, as a fellow Gen-Xer, you were made for this moment. You’re uniquely prepared to embrace the challenges ahead.
Fighting and Flowing with the Current of Midlife
Midlife is like a rushing river that threatens to sweep us away as we’re flooded with many of the toughest decisions of our lives: Do I give up on my entrepreneurial dreams? Is it too late to switch careers? Do I event want to be married? Do I want to have kids? How do a manage the many demands of caring for my kids and my parents? How can I afford it all?
An Alternative to Big Resolutions, As Told Through Poo Puns
New Year's is like a mild laxative. Many of us midlifers are constipated with difficult, sometimes painful patterns and we sure could use a dose of medicine to help us function more efficiently. New Year's can be that medicine.
While I definitely think we need not wait until a particular calendar date to be more intentional and inspired in our lives, we humans seldom ever do bona fide now-to-next goal-setting.
My Netflix Binge of Virgin River is NOT Self-Care
We're in that weird twilight zone between Christmas and NYD when time isn't a concept, human existence remains unknown, vegetables are a distant memory, we've never moved less (yet are still full of aches), and anything sh*tty we do can just become a resolution in a matter of days.
Which means one thing here at the School of Midlife: self-care.
Loneliness: a Truism for 1 in 3 Adults
"How can we make the world less lonely?" is a question I often ask myself (sometimes as I take in another Hallmark Holiday movie, for better or worse).
Bringing Sexy Back...Your Decade in Review
You want to roll into 2020 and the next decade feeling fantastic? Good. Because I’m bringing sexy back (no, it’s not just the hammer pants and flannel shirt combo I’m currently wearing). It's time to ditch the less sexy "stuff to start doing Jan. 1”…in favor of your very own decade in review silent disco. Yep, grab your headphones and queue “Last Dance” by Donna Summer.