3 Mantras for When You Might Need a "Coarse" Correction💡

Coarse...uncivil...downright mean. No, I'm not just talking about that Twitter thread (I'll cop to my own moment of Twitter snark earlier this week...).

It definitely didn't feel good...and I'll make a different choice next time🙃). Coarse is the climate right now for many of us here in the U.S. (perhaps elsewhere in the world, too).

While my work typically helps people discover new paths ("courses") for themselves, today I'm talking about a "coarse correction." Specifically, here are 3 beliefs to practice to help you make your coarse correction. If you're wanting to help manage your stress, regain your personal power, summon your grace and strength, and show up differently in a world that really needs a big hug right now🤗, installing these three beliefs will help. 

Belief #1: “Your bullsh*t can be your bullshift”

Sure, Bullshift is fun to say.🥳  It’s also a bold blueprint. And a mindset method to help you operate at your best..even when you feel like you've 2020'ed your life (yes, I'm using 2020 as a verb for "screwed up" here).

Use this phrase regularly. Daily. At least. Because, remember: we need to talk to ourselves more than we listen to ourselves. And when you tell yourself "Hey {first_name}, your bullsh*t can be your bullshift” it'll fuel you no matter the challenges you face.

If you want to master this belief..this blueprint...this mindset method, then stay tuned for my special Black Friday-Cyber Monday offer for the Bullshift Boot Camp that I'll be sharing next week.🤩

Belief #2: “Life Happens FOR Me, Not TO Me”

In my 1:1 client sessions, I typically begin with "What's the best thing that's happened FOR you this past week?" Invariably, newbies are caught off-guard.🤔 And it typically takes clients many weeks to acclimate to this way of thinking. There's a whole science to why I do it (I'll save that for another time), but the short of it is this: you create the meaning in your life.

Quick distinction: this isn't about pointing fingers.👈🏻  (see what I did there?) It's an invitation that calls forth what we can learn, how we can gain perspective, and where we can cultivate wisdom...even during our most trying times.

Far from bypassing the emotional range we need to allow, “Life Happens FOR Me, Not TO Me” is a belief that can help you meet unexpected challenges with more grace and strength.✨

Belief #3: "I'm the thinker of my thoughts. I turn my attention toward ____________"

Sometimes when you’re caught in the swirl of thoughts and feelings that seem so characteristic right now...or even when ya just step on a rogue Lego (it doesn't have to be that deep), you need a way out. Your coarse correction isn't always about what you think, though. More often it's about how you think.

Einstein said, “A problem can never be solved at the level it was created.”🤯  If you used your current level of thinking to contribute to the problem, you need to elevate your level of thinking to move beyond (dissolve) it. Want to coarse correct toward greater calm amid the chaos? Practice this belief: "I'm the thinker of my thoughts. I turn my attention toward ____________"😎

Okay, it's time to make your coarse correction, so let's turn this insight into action.🤸🏻‍♀️

  1.  Which one of these 3 beliefs seems most relevant for you right now?

  2. What's one way you can integrate a least 1 of these beliefs into your life today?

Let me know what you decide. And remember: you matter. Even when you engage in Twitter snark.😉

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