How to Spread Your Talent


At my first job that didn't involve scooping expired Cool Whip out of the containers and pouring it back into a giant vat for reheating and repackaging, my boss and coworker took me to lunch. 

I heard my boss, Jeanine, say to my coworker Sherry, "Meghan's great. We've got to find a way to spread her talents to more people." 

Oh yes, I thought. Please. Please spread my talent. (I was developing "filer's wrist" from all the physical therapy file folders I had to sort. Turns out filer's wrist isn't an actual medical condition. Whatever.) 

I loved the expression, maybe because I love cheese and all the things you spread it on. Wait...what don't you spread it on? But I'd be lying if I told you I've never put an herb-y cheese log directly in my mouth. Well, I scoop it into a spoon, I'm not an animal. 

I'm a sucker for cheese and the idea people have never tried Drunken Goat cheese makes me want to be the first to witness the smile across their face upon first taste. 

I've always wanted that to be my career: 

Serving a platter of delectable offerings that harness my genius, in a powerful, massive spread. Grab another platter -- no, the big one, silly! My talent keeps coming! 

That job, working for Jeanine, spread my talent a little. 

I was helping establish a physical therapy practice. I welcomed people, often first-timers, to the facility and introduced them to all the ways they’d benefit from the experience. If they were timid or cranky, I’d get them feelin’ great in no time. 

When that job ended, I scored a few hours sorting frozen vegetables detritus before they’re packaged. 

That did not spread my talent. It spread my ineptitude. 

Then I worked as a Certified Nursing Assistant at a senior home, where I got to care for people in a fragile but beautiful stage of life. I even had a resident (who previously never spoke to anyone) ask me to get my car and swing around to pick him up and get him “outta here.” That spread my talent. 

I went back to college and checked books into and out of the WAY TOO QUIET library. Not spreading my talent. 

But then I pitched myself to a semi-weekly newspaper, where I covered the arts beat, county news, and even wrote a column called “As I was saying…” Talent spread! 

Followed by a summer of, “Great job. Now can you stuff these envelopes?” Talent spreading score: zero. 

I've had a lot of jobs and gigs since then. Helping edit The Blue Zones; producing the Super Bowl’s first-ever green party; leading National Geographic legend Will Steger around New York City for a post-expedition media tour; getting people to try Häagen-Dazs while lounging on Miami Beach; introducing inexperienced college students to the Boundary Waters; creating a mindfulness-based leadership program for college students; helping expand a bike-share program across a metro region; helping major wellness brands reach more consumers; co-hosting wellness workshops…and more.

Through it all, I've experienced 3 levels of talent spreading.

  • Level 1: "I suck. My talent is not spreading. I bet someone else would have this done by now. Is it 5 yet?" That's when I'm doing a job someone thought I'd be good at, but I don't feel very good at it at all.

  • Level 2: "This is spreading my talent, but not in pure form. What's coming out is the cheap Velveeta variety." That's when I'm doing a job I can do well and easily, but it's not calling for my best stuff. (I don't really think in cheese metaphors, but that sums up the feeling.)

  • Level 3: "Hallelujah, here it is! Get the platter and stand the f*ck back!" 

Level 3 is dream-job territory.  

I felt it when I helped elementary school kids explore the recipe for health longevity across select regions of the world (Blue Zones). I was getting paid to chat with people about vitality and aging and whatever else. Literally, paid to be me! Unfortunately, it didn't pay all that much. 

I felt it when I helped launch a natural products rewards program. Sadly, that business idea was ahead of its time. It was a one-year thing for me. But so dang fun. And I developed my “Official Party-Starter” name and reputation (Thanks, Tiger!) at the company holiday parties and summer Friday events. 

I feel it when I write an email to my community (you), or when I work with a client who's so perfect for me and matched in sensibility, coaching together feels like sharing guacamole on a Hawaiian beach. 

Hey -- that's what I do now!  

Finally, I've arrived at a job that spreads my talent. And it's my own business.  

Over time, I've tried to shift it so the part that BEST spreads my talent -- helping people connect with themselves and various resources (they otherwise would've never known) to feel damn good -- is the bulk of my week. 

My hope is that what I offer in my writing and programs helps you spread your talent (job or otherwise).

Because that Level 3 is the best feeling on earth. Even better than eating Drunken Goat cheese. 

Now my question for you, . 

👉 I'd love to know: Do you feel like you're spreading your talent (in the world...not just at your job)? 

Wait, I have more questions for you, if you'll answer them, too.

1 - Do you think about spreading your talents? Is it something you aspire to?

2 - What does or what would that look like for you? What would you be doing all day? Have you ever had a project or job that truly spread your talent?

3 - Do you love cheese, and do you think anyone who uses Cheez Whiz should be ex-communicated from your life until they get their act together? If you're not with me, you're against me. 

Comment below to tell me! 

I want to know because this is a topic that fascinates me...and I might be cooking something up. ;)

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