#26: How to Know When It’s Time to Leave a Job

I knew I needed to leave my very first job when the company had me scoop out expired food to reheat it in a vat before repackaging it for sale. It was as disgusting as it sounded. And though the reheating to repackage might give you the shivers, you need to know this wasn’t actual food--it was frankenfood. But I can’t say the name on my podcast because I don’t want to get sued by a megacorporation.

So this experience was offensive on a couple of levels: 1) what I just shared; and 2) I prefer to eat and spend my money on actual, whole foods.

But I was a high school kid who needed the spending money because those Gap denim overalls weren’t going to magically appear in my closet. Remember how popular the Gap overalls were? And Doc Martens? And Dave Matthews?

So I guess I was prescient to be aware of the values misalignment in work as a 16-year-old. I was just too poor and lived in too rural an area to make a different choice.

Fast forward to today, and the conversations I’m having with clients. One of the most common refrains is, “I know I need to leave, Meghan. But it just never feels like the right time.”

Can you relate to this predicament? If so, you’re in luck. Today, we’re diving into “How to Know When It’s Time to Leave a Job.”

As some friends and I gathered for a rare, late-pandemic group Zoom session...rare because is anyone really doing these anymore? Remember at the start of the pandemic how energizing they were?

Anyway, we were chatting about post-pandemic professional pivots. But not as much as I love pivots. A few friends suggested they’re considering leaving their current jobs but just couldn’t define when. And, if I’m being honest, this wasn’t the first time they’d shared their desires to leave. They’ve got some pretty nice golden handcuffs with their employer. So there’s very little time to "take a step back" and consider what it is they really want to be doing because they're likely roped into a suite of big projects at work…and so the "when this is over" cycle continues.

This is a dangerous cycle because the inevitable outcome is that you never get around to deciding if now is ACTUALLY the right time to leave (much less taking action on that decision).

So I’m here today to share four surefire signs that you cannot delay starting the process of finding your next amazing opportunity. And if you’re hesitant to even listen to these, trust me when I say the liberation that comes with committing to leaving is worth it.

Like that first bite of your favorite dinner, life will start returning to your extremities, eventually reaching the place where your passion, interests, and regenerative curiosity lie (sounds dramatic, but it's a real sensation of feeling EXCITED about what is coming next).

Let's get into the list so you can determine for yourself if it's time to leave your job (and move on to your next amazing opportunity)! 

Here are four signs that it really is time to make your next move. If you’re feeling one or more of these symptoms on a regular basis, consider making a game plan to switch things up. If you find that you experience these symptoms periodically, you might be able to improve your work situation and get back to doing your best work.

Okay, let’s dive in with the most obvious sign right now…

1. You’re Burnt Out. Fried. A Crispy-Critter.

Now, THIS is a sign I know a LOT about because 1) First: I experienced it in my own life a few years back, and 2) These days, I work with a lot of health care workers who’ve been through the wringer with COVID. Burnout can manifest in a lot of ways…

  1. You might have petered out on seeing positive outcomes in your work

  2. You might feel apathetic or dissatisfied

  3. You might be flat-out exhausted.

These are the three major subdomains of burnout. And if these sound like you--as they do so many--you’ll want to check out episodes 7-10 of the podcast where I take a deeper dive into this and offer important insights and action steps.

Regardless of whether you’re burnt out, though, you need to tune into your entire body-mind. While the occasional late night or long weeks are bound to happen, you’ll want to look out for these experiences becoming a pattern...or if they’ve manifested into other symptoms such as chronic pain or mental/emotional issues. Migraines, weight gain, panic attacks...these are all signs to pay attention to.

Because we’re not 22 anymore and able to just sleep off a wild night on the couch in the lactation room at work the next day. Not that I would know anything about that. At all. Nope. That never once happened.

2. The Culture and Leadership are Misaligned with Your Beliefs. 

Has your company made a pivot that doesn’t sit right with you? Have your own needs and values changed? Has your behavior become unrecognizable? These signs might mean it’s time to move on. 

Ultimately, our lives and careers are dramatically shaped by the people we look up to. Having mentors and role models who you truly aspire to be like, and would be proud to live the life of 5, 10, or 20 years from now, are the people you want to be spending your time with. If you find yourself scratching your head trying to decide if your current manager or mentors are people you aspire to be like, they're not. When you’re following a leader whom you deeply admire, you’ll want to shout it from the rooftops, and it will be easy to sing their praises. 

Another insidious one is to tune into yourself and your behavior...to reflect on whether you’ve assimilated a little too well into a setting that doesn’t suit you. Remember: We’re wired for community, so be gentle with yourself. But you might notice that you’ve offered a remark that you’re not proud of. Or acted out in a surprising way. In these instances, you want to take note and link back to your beliefs, experiences, and values that make you a vibrant human. Because when we feel disconnected from the things that make us...us, our inspiration, motivation, and endurance are soon to follow. Then make the necessary adjustments.

3. Your Learning Has Plateaued and Your Daydreams Are Pointing Elsewhere. 

Recall your last week at work. What did you do? What did you achieve? When your answer’s repeatedly, “I don’t know,” “I don’t remember,” or “actually, nothing, really,” you might be bored out of your mind. It might be time.

Or maybe you’re working in a learn, burn, and churn setting. There’s a dangerous myth that the better you become, the easier the job will be. Sometimes this is true. More often than not, you’ll end up taking on more work.

On the other hand, when you find yourself daydreaming, this is potentially one of the more exciting signs it’s time for a transition because you can see your future. Maybe it’s in a new position, a new field, or a turn toward entrepreneurship. Either way, it’s time.

4. You Regularly Get a Case of the Smondays...and Then Some

I think we can all agree that the Smondays--when our Sunday joy is overcome by Monday dread--is just a gross feeling. But, when you’re feeling dread most days about the prospect of going to work, then it’s time for a transition.

If one of your self-talk tracks is "How am I going to get through the week?” this is a sign.

If you can’t recall the last time you experienced a cheery Monday morning--this is a sign.

If you’ve told yourself that this is normal because--really--who is ever excited about going to a job? This is just a maladaptive response...it’s actually a form of self-gaslighting.

When you’ve slogged through weeks, months, or (gulp) maybe even years under the din of the fluorescent lights and you feel borderline depressed, and your unhappiness begins to bleed into your home life, social life, or family life, then it’s definitely time to switch it up.

I’ve spoken at length about purpose...and just how beneficial it is to all areas of our health, beyond our workday performance and satisfaction. And it’s something you’ll want to avoid consistently compromising on.

How many of the above would you check off? If you deeply relate to 3+ ... it might be time that you start thinking about the next steps. There are many different ways to craft a career or a calling. Just because this is your reality today, it doesn’t need to be your reality tomorrow.

And, if you're pretty convinced you DO need to leave… but don't know where to start, I've put together a simple and effective workbook to help you get started on thinking about the WHAT of your tomorrow. Just grab the freebie on my website called “Your Career Fulfillment Kick-Start” to walk through a series of prompts that’ll help you discern your best next move and also fuel your momentum.

As always, feel free to connect with me via social media for any insights or questions this article has stimulated for you! I love hearing from you directly and am excited to continue down this path of learning and growth with you.

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