Harder, But Better: a Midlife Mantra

Seriously, when I launched my coaching business, I saw more than a few skeptical glances from people who had no exposure to the discipline of coaching psychology (part science, part art!). Yesterday, though, as I looked at a snapshot of my past year, I see just how much YER GIRL HAD GUTS to start a new business after having been through the ringer with her health, previous business, and relationships. 

It's easy to look back and feel pride about my evolution. It wasn't always easy to live it…especially not amid the din of coaches for coaches, growth hackers, and funnel fraudsters telling me that if I wasn't in the 3 Comma Club yet, it's because I just hadn't signed up for the right program. 

Through it all--as a seasoned wellbeing professional who by day helps healthcare professionals address burnout--I kept reminding myself this path is “harder, but better.” 

Which is why I'm writing you today. 

Because if your midlife looks like mine did a few years ago, you might be eyeing a permanent vacation from it all. 

Or maybe you're eyeing another program with a coach who swears they know a secret you don't. 

  • I can't tell you that launching your new business will succeed or fail. Capitalism, y'all. It's a bear.

  • I can’t tell you that adopting that child will absolutely happen for you. Even for an observer, the adoption process is looooooooooong and uncertain.

  • I can’t tell you whether Bumble Ben is the guy for you. We’ve all heard the stories of shady characters who let you know they’re in a committed relationship months later. Actually, I just heard another version of this story on Sunday.

can tell you that you're not "one secret away" from massive transformation. 

And that's good news. Because a “new life” isn’t at the end of a webinar rainbow. You don't have to dump your hard-won pot of gold into a guru's pocket to get to the “next level.” 

Your next phase of life IS tooootally in your hands: the clarity you create about what matters most; the emotional management you embrace; the thoughts you learn to think on purpose; and the rewiring of your subconscious mind*. 

These are the "hacks" that will help you enjoy midlife on your terms. You're likely already doing some of them. More or less. Likely less. I say this not to encourage self-blame and guilt and doubt. I say this to offer perspective: Self-coaching is a long game. If you want to play to "win" (whatever that looks like for you), focus on building your practice, not chasing your next explosion. 

I know it’s hard out there in midlife. That’s why I’m delivering The Bullshift Boot Camp, a powerful and actionable program that helps you move from “I want to ditch it all” to “I’m going to be on my own side while I create a midlife on my terms.” 

In this six-week boot camp, you’ll gain:

  1. CLARITY: Discern what’s true about midlife and what’s true for YOUR midlife.

  2. (SELF-)COACHING SKILLS: Coaching psychology is an actual thing…and it’s NOT me giving you advice.

  3. CONTEXT: You’ve likely heard “The quality of our life is determined by the focus of our attention.” This is true. It’s also true that ~95% of everything we do in a day is based in our subconscious. So let’s use this shizzz for good, yo.

Now, this is normally when people put something pressurey (that's usually a lie), like: “Act fast! Seats are filling up!” 

Friends, this is a program available to you any time. The question is: how slow or fast do you want to go? If you'd like to learn how to enjoy midlife on your terms (without all the hyped up bro-tastic promises of overnight success), then join me for my free masterclass about the 5 steps to your midlife mastery without misery.

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