That Time I Ate Alllll the Cheese

Oh god. It happened. One of my top nightmares came true.

(Not the #1 nightmare. That one is about crawling through an underground tunnel, where the hole is not much bigger/wider than me, and suffocating to death as it collapses on me. Don't even get me started on the snow fort tunnels of my youth.) 

This nightmare -- which, believe it or not, relates to your health and life -- is about eating all of the food before a party (that I didn't know about). 

Thankfully, this time, it was just the cheese. For a party hosted by my former roommate. At our place in Uptown Minneapolis. 

She's a party planning guru, with everything labeled and set up days in advance of the actual party. It's a "place cards by each of the food dishes" situation where everything looks "JUST. SO." 

She didn't do that this time. 

But I still should've known. 

I'm sure this has happened to you, right? You know what comes next:

  • The yell of "WTF?! WHERE'S THE CHEESE?" overlapping with my "OHMIGOD SORRY!"

  • That unwanted indigestion of too much cheese/too much tension you can't undo.

  • The slammed fridge door. The avoidance of eye contact between you and your roommate for the rest of the party weekend.

Yeah. All those things happened. It's okay, I soothed myself with one-bite quesadillas and li'l smokies. I love finger food. 

What's this horror story have to do with your health and life? Have you guessed? 

Well, when you stuff your face with a party-sized serving of cheese -- and it's not because you haven't eaten in 3 days -- it prolly means there's some buffering going on. 

Luckily, you can keep that from happening in the future with getting more in tune with the role of pleasure in your life. 

What kind of pleasure? Um, the false kind. 

And you have just the thing to help you. 

It's called the The Suffering of Buffering -- a free training I hosted on FB Live this week. It's like a squeegee that wipes away the suckiness from your buffering and leaves you feeling more engaged in your life. 

Did you check it out? If so, I'd love to hear from you. 

Comment below and tell me what you discovered needs some unbuffering. 

You can also just say "hey." 

Well, say more than that. Introduce yourself or something. Tell me your ideal final meal. Or your desert-island TV series. Or what you do. Or something embarrassing about yourself, because I live for that shizz. 

Catch you later. And remember to always ask about the cheese!

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