The podcast for everyone north of 40 who’s grown tired of their own bullshit.
I’ll help you go from “Is this as good as it gets?” to “How good can it get?” as you turn your overfilled life into a fulfilled life.
26: How to Know When It's Time to Leave a Job
Do you remember your very first job? Not your first career, your first job. I remember my very first job well, and I remember when I knew I needed to leave that job, too.
Fast forward to today, and the conversations I’m having with clients. One of the most common refrains is, “I know I need to leave, Meghan. But it just never feels like the right time.”
Can you relate to this predicament? If so, you’re in luck. In episode 26 of Bullshift, we’re diving into “How to Know When It’s Time to Leave a Job.”
25: The 5 Biggest Obstacles You’ll Face in Living Your Purpose
So often, though, we’re living in search--trying to find our purpose. If you listened to episode 18, where I shout “Stop Trying to Find Your Purpose,” though, you might already know this is futile.
Here’s why: most of us have no idea what the point of our existence is, but we’re pretty sure we’re doing it wrong.
Enter: self-flagellation.
24: How My Career-to-Calling Pivot Changed My Life
I’m no stranger to the concept of profession pivots, I’ve had a number of them in my life! These days, I spend hours each week coaching people through their own career-to-calling pivots where I help them identify how they define both fulfillment and success, what’s present and missing in their lives, and what possibilities exist for them to move forward in a more fulfilling way.
23: How to Change Careers When You Don’t Know What You Want to Do
When you reach this impasse--when you know you’re not happy where you are, yet you don’t quite know what to do next–-remember that you’re not alone. And even more important, know that this is a necessary part of your evolution and growth. This is true for your career and any other area of life. Because these experiences force us to eradicate our old models for understanding ourselves and our world.
22: Future-Proofing Our Decisions
You rushed to marry your college sweetheart. And now you’re rushing to divorce them.
And on the cycle goes. Which begs questions like: “Why do we make decisions that we come to regret in the future? And how can we future-proof our decisions? And, also, does Shannon Dougherty regret any of her 90210-era shenanigans?
We’re digging deep and diving in as we determine how to future-proof our decisions and prevent making present choices we will later regret.
21: The Power of Self-Regulation and Calling In Our Loved Ones
People tend to see cancellation or call-outs as either wholly good — “Hey! There are new consequences for saying or doing bigoted or otherwise untenable things.” — or wholly bad “People can lose their reputations and in some cases their jobs, all because a person or a group has taken undue offense to a careless or out-of-context remark.”
I think we’re losing sight of something much bigger, more powerful, and more important: the power of self-regulation and calling in others. In episode 21, we’re exploring it all and paving a way forward to create the conditions for healing, growth, and positive social change.
20: What to Do About Women Leaving the Workforce
How many women have come to feel like their work and home lives have blended during the COVID pandemic? You feel this? How many have left the workforce as a result? Are you among them?
To future-proof our workforces, companies need us women...but not with the usual ploys. We need a better experience… one that’s focused on our wellbeing, on how we want to feel as employees, and on a set of organizational commitments to address workplace disparities.
19: Purpose, On Purpose
Yes, we all want to help others. Especially loved ones who’ve captured so much of our attention this past year. But when I say purpose is about growing and giving, I don’t mean to prioritize the needs of others above your own.
18: Stop Trying to Find Your Purpose
Most of what we understand about purpose at work comes from Hollywood. And, sure--stories are a powerful way to learn. Everybody loves a Hero’s Journey. But the stories of screen and stage romanticize the role of purpose in our lives at large...and especially at work. And look: I’m a die-hard fan of any Nancy Meyers film--always featuring a dynamic heroine with a cool career and beautiful home. But, with all due respect to Nancy, these types of stories create myths about purpose that actually make it harder for us to focus on what matters.
17: The 3 Steps to Embark on a New Career Path
You’re a mid-career professional. You’ve established a streak of skills and experience tailored to the current industry you’re in and it can be scary to pivot the career direction into a new path. If you’re feeling stuck in your current job and you’re looking for a more fulfilling career, it can be difficult to make a career change.
16: 7 Reasons You’re Resisting a Career Change (and what to do about it)
When it comes to making a career change in midlife, having the right type of forward momentum isn’t always easy...especially if you’ve had the cushion of a corporate career...or tenure in a job...or you’ve been a stay at home parent who’s busy running a household for several years. Fear not, dear friends. The solution is here!
15: The Top 7 Regrets of Mid-Career Professionals
In this episode, I’ll uncover the top 7, real-life regrets of midlife professionals just like you so you have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes before making your own! I’ll uncover 7 all-to-relatable regrets and give you the tools you need to navage those potential landmines within your own career.
14: How to Stop “Shoulding” All Over Yourself
In this week’s episode, we dive into a client case and uncover the reasons for job-related exhaustion and in turn, how to overcome that burnout and transform your mindset for sustainable energy.
13: How to Be Good in Bed
Sleep problems are a common theme in my work with midlifers. So if you’re sleep-challenged, fear not! You are not alone! Sleep is so fundamental, so why is it a painful struggle for so many of us? Thanks to valuable insights from Dr. Jim Davig, a nationally recognized sleep psychologist, and reflections from thought work with my clients, I’m able to share with you the nitty-gritty details surrounding good, quality sleep.
12: Sleeping My Way to Success
Sleep is important, we know this. Since we’re already aware of this fact, we don’t need to talk about it in this episode. We DO need to talk about better managing your energy so you can get more time back in your day and accomplish everything on your “to do” list without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. That’s the dream, right?
11: Time Management is a Waste of Your Time - Here’s What to Do Instead
Did you know time management is actually a waste of time? The fundamental issue with managing your time is that time is a finite resource--we don’t have a limitless supply. But energy? Now that’s a whole different story.
10: Building Better Boundaries During Burnout
Boundaries are a popular topic--in general...and especially as they relate to managing and preventing burnout. Most people think a boundary is created to keep us “safe” from other people and that it’s appropriate when someone else’s behavior gets “bad” enough. But there’s a better way…
09: 6 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed
Burnout is a big topic and a key component to overcoming and, ideally, preventing burnout is to manage your mind more effectively when feeling overwhelmed. One path for doing this is to ask powerful questions. Instead of thinking things are happening to you, or that your feelings are overwhelming you, you begin to see where you’re able to create greater influence over your life.
08: What Really Contributes to Your Burnout
The word “stress” has become such a commonly used term and so normalized in our society that when I try to broach this topic, I often hear, “I know stress is bad but let’s talk about XYZ diet or XYZ workout and why I should follow it to fix my [symptom].” This pattern is indicative of a major contributor to burnout: not understanding and managing our stress response.
07: How to Know If You’re Experiencing Burnout
This time of year, a lot of people contemplate making a career change. Some want to burn it all down; others want to feel more lit up. Wherever you land on this spectrum, the unique circumstances of our pandemic and related quarantine are likely contributing additional heaviness and challenges in your life.