04: Putting the Shift in Bullshift
You might recall that quote by Gandhi:
“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”
As we spin on this cycle, it can feel hard or impossible to get off – to veer into a different perspective, and acknowledge an evolving or shifting set of values. We tend to make meaning from past events in our lives, and then apply those outcomes to a current situation, thereby bringing our past to the future, with no possibility to create something new.
But one of the truly great things about middlescence--despite its bad reputation and caricature of crisis--is that it IS a proven period of growth. You’re allowed – encouraged, really, since that’s the point of this podcast – to embrace what’s different, what’s shifted...to go forward and change. Change and growth. If you take charge of your midlife, you can create something new, and that something is the life you want. In this episode, I offer a few strategies for nurturing your change and growth.
How our expectations change as life goes on – changing values, a changing brain and something called the hedonic treadmill (which makes great party conversation)
The value in creating a “Fucket” list – like a bucket list but more irreverent, and with swearing!
How to make better use of fear during midlife to take the risks you want to take
The value of a midlife gap year or gap time
Let’s connect on Instagram: @meghan_krause
Follow me on Facebook: @hellomeghankrause
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In this episode, Meghan discusses the questions we tend to ask ourselves as we approach the new calendar year. She explains that these are the questions for which purpose is the answer. Who we are today is not the same as who we were yesterday and who we’ll be tomorrow. Yet, paradoxically, we are exactly the same person we were yesterday and will be tomorrow. This is one of a few key paradoxes of purpose that Meghan explores in this episode. Sit back, enjoy the holiday feels, and join Meghan as she gives us a preview of where we’re going with Bullshift in 2022!