40: The Connection Between Languishing and Purpose

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“How you see your purpose determines what’s possible for you.” This is a foundational truth I shared last week that I need to underscore right here at the start.

But there’s more to purpose than even this bold proclamation. Let’s do a quick overview of some of the bennies...most of which I haven’t previously shared because I like to tease you with bits and pieces so you keep coming back for more each week. Is it working?

Anyway...here are the hard facts:

When it comes to health and wellbeing outcomes, purpose...

  1. Predicts longevity

  2. Reduces incidents of heart attack or stroke

  3. Supports faster recovery from certain kinds of surgery

  4. Reduces the feeling of psychosomatic symptoms in daily life

There are cognitive benefits, too...

  1. Slower rates of cognitive decline as we age

  2. Lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease

And then there’s financial success. Purpose is associated with...

  1. Greater self-reported income

  2. Greater net worth

  3. Lower levels of impulsivity

  4. Playing the long game

Okay...these are good to know, but what about when you’re languishing? Now, more than ever, purpose matters because it’s the perceptible sense that your life has direction. 


  • What purpose gives us that material comforts can’t

  • Ways a lack of purpose can manifest

  • How to wield purpose as a deep and profound resource


Click here to see the transcript!

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41: Two Unlikely Questions to Help You Unlock Your Purpose


39: Using Your Purpose Filter When Life Contains Multitudes