38: On Wake-Up Calls and Attunement
This past week revealed to me just how much of a wake-up call our 40s can be. While one friend’s mom died after being hospitalized for weeks following a stroke, another acquaintance of mine who’s the mother of an 11-year-old died by suicide.
Yeah, it’s been a confronting, heavy time to be sure.
Our bubble gum days of back-to-school preparations look more like COVID bubble days of back-to school precautions.
Add domestic duty disputes...workplace basket upset...and, well, I wouldn’t blame you if you thought we’re in crisis.
More often than not, though, these so-called crises are actually callings. Especially in our 40s. Our 40s are often a call for us to make new choices, to do work we really care about, to create the loving relationships we deserve, to live the purpose we yearn for.
For women with kids, especially, this is a time when many are chomping at the bit, impatient with what they often experience as having gotten knocked off track from their imagined careers and dreams as they made caregiver compromises. After a certain amount of time, they’re ready to hit their stride once again. Sure, the kids still need a lot of attention. But so do our aspirations, right?
Wondering, “Is this all there is to life? What happened to all my ambitions? All my drive?” We’re ready to start answering it. In our own way. Not some version foisted upon us by a corporate ladder or fashion rules based on age. This is our era of becoming. Our wake-up call.
How so-called crises can become callings
What we’re called to do in midlife
The answer to “what happened to my ambitions?”
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In this episode, Meghan discusses the questions we tend to ask ourselves as we approach the new calendar year. She explains that these are the questions for which purpose is the answer. Who we are today is not the same as who we were yesterday and who we’ll be tomorrow. Yet, paradoxically, we are exactly the same person we were yesterday and will be tomorrow. This is one of a few key paradoxes of purpose that Meghan explores in this episode. Sit back, enjoy the holiday feels, and join Meghan as she gives us a preview of where we’re going with Bullshift in 2022!