You Know How It Is: The bigger the package, the better the...

For my 8th (Golden) birthday, my wicked older sister handed me a giant box the size of a freezer chest. Back then, I definitely thought the bigger the package, the better the gift. These days, "the bigger the package..." has a different connotation. And it's not always better. 

Stop it, you perv. I was talking about Amazon delivery. Geesh. 

Anyway, that gift is forever etched in my memory because I unwrapped consecutively smaller boxes until I reached a small paper bag full of 8 jelly bracelets. (Like Russian Babushka dolls but for a provincial Minnesota farm kid with questionable fashion sense.

Uhyeahsure, the bracelets were cool. But I was low-key pissed at my sister. My expectations were sooooo much bigger. 

30+ years later, I've learned a thing or two about the science of expectations and prefer to turn to gratitude instead. Which is a really just a long intro to what I really want to say... 


You don't know it but I'm giving you a big high five. Right now. 

Today's the one-year anniversary of launching my coaching business. Thank you for your support this past year--whether as a client or as an avid reader of my weekly messages. Would you believe 1 of every 2 people who are part of this community entrust me with your time and attention every single week?! 

Giving me your mindshare is something I don't take lightly. I hope you continue to find value in this little corner of the world I sometimes refer to as the School of Midlife. Because the puberty of adulthood is less awkward when we explore it together, amirite? (What was it you were saying about chin hair?)

With one year in the books, the real work begins. I’m so fired up. (Or is it just inflammation?) Plus, I'm getting ready to launch my most important project to date.🚀 More on this soon.

Getting what you want never feels like you think it will. Few people talk about that part of achieving goals. The moment you make it happen, the rules change. When you launch a business, land a big job, start a blog, get into your dream school, it’s not the end, it’s the beginning. The beginning of a whole new possibility. 

I love possibility--not just for myself...for my clients, too. (Classic ENFP here.)

A few months ago, I was working with a client who was pursuing a major transition for his life. He ultimately was presented with a big opportunity that required him to be more deliberate and focused than ever before. And you know what? He's now a complete rock star (and I'm so honored to have worked with him). 

Your next chapter will require something new from you, too. Don’t resist it. Embrace it. And if you need a guide on the side...your own personal yeasayer, hit me up.

Please drop me comment below to share what you like most about being part of this community. Or share what you've found valuable here with others. You know I'll love you for it. And it is my first anniversary, after all. That's the best gift you can give me. :)

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