Recalibrate Your Work, Rest, and Play.
previous issues of the sabbatical lifestyle
Left: An Exploration of the Gift of Presence
Our conversation about “taking a break” was exceptionally genial. Laughter, tears, musings about our karaoke song selections when we see each other next. “When”…not “if.”
Presenting the Would-be Love Child of Sir Richard Branson, Dr. Paul Farmer, and Earth, Wind & Fire
Everywhere I look, I discover ways to add more life to our world. The would-be love child of Sir Richard Branson, Dr. Paul Farmer, and Earth, Wind & Fire, I’m equal parts wellbeing entrepreneur and population health advocate…with a side of funk...
I Honored Prince’s Death with My First Threesome
April 21st…the day Prince died. Add it to a short list of indelible “Remember when…” moments…
Bitter or Better? My Personal Wellbeing Journey
Life can make us bitter or better—I choose better. – Unknown
I didn’t coin this phrase but it captures my approach to life: curiosity, optimism, and a sense of adventure…rapt with all the world can offer…